Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Eyes For You

Is love at first sight real? I like many of you call bullshit. I decided to look into it so I did the research and it turns out that it does exist (with contingencies). The idea of love at first sight is that you see someone in the corner of the room, lock eyes and think "Wow, I'm gonna make babies with that person!" Because the truth of the matter and science is that we pick our mates based on our natural instinct to procreate with that person.

After doing some of the research I found the less than 10% of all married couples said that they experienced love at first sight with their spouse. So the contingency with "love at first sight" is that while it has been experienced by many people, the longevity of that relationship cannot be determined by the initial meeting. This means that while I fell in love at first sight, that doesn't mean your relationship will last. That's great, but not what I wanted to know. I simply wanted to know that it is real. Turns out, it is.

Along with providing some information on the topic I always like to implement my own personal life into these topics. I know that's really what you all want to read about, my juicy stories. This topic however isn't that juicy. I have never fallen in love at first sight. I have fallen in lust at first sight, but not love. I personally think that you need to get to know someone over time before you can really say you love them. I can look at David Beckam and tell him I love him at first sight but then he'll tell me 10 years into marriage that he likes Dane Cook. I CAN'T BE IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE WHO LIKES DANE COOK! Boom, divorce! Maybe that's why the divorce rate is so high, because people rush into marriage. I'm not one to talk because I married my ex-husband after only 2 years of dating but I've known him since we were in 2nd grade, that's a lifetime of tiny pieces of information I knew about him before we got married. You know that saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? Well I think that goes with dating and seeing somebody for the first time. For example, I walk into the restaurant to meet the man I was set up with and he's not my type, physically. I would never walk out of the restaurant because he may have an amazing personality. I think over time people start to find their mates attractive even if they weren't initially attracted to that person. That being said, I also don't think I could ever fall in love with a man solely based on his looks. I like to think I'm not that naive or vain.

So while I don't think I could ever fall in love at first sight, that doesn't mean I don't respect those who do. There are plenty of people who say "We met, got married 2 months into the relationship." They may have a wonderful and fulfilling life surrounded by love fro their spouse. When I hear those stories, this is why I think...Wow, I wish I had balls like that. I wouldn't even commit to a puppy until year 7 of my marriage. Kudos to those who know what they want but that is just not for me.

I just think it's great to fall in love in general. At first, later, young, old, man, woman, whatever. Love is what makes life worth living so if you find someone worthy of your love, who cares when, how or why you're in love. Just make sure to love.

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