Wednesday, May 25, 2016

I'm Back!

It's been a long year my friends, a really long year. I took a break from writing because I've been really focusing myself on God and my personal growth. I've done a lot of soul searching, found a lot of character flaws within myself, and am finally starting to feel a shift in my thinking. That being said I am still Erika and during this whole identity crisis I stopped writing for fear of judgement from those who think that because I love Jesus, I can't also still have sass and an opinion. The truth is I started a new blog solely about my recovery because I thought that's what I was supposed to do. And well, one of those character flaws I have is people pleasing, so I shut that one down. What really makes me happy is writing about fun topics that I have experience with. So I am proud to say "E's Thoughts" is back! Enjoy my post.....

I know you're just as excited as I am to know this weeks topic and it's.....terrible first dates. Oh the tangled web we weave when it comes to dating right? I've had some ok first dates and some not ok first dates but there's one that will ALWAYS stand out in my mind because it was just awful. Before I go into detail about my terrible first date I want to share with you, in my experiences, the typical bad first date guys, or if you're a man-gals.

1) The "money is no object" Guy/Gal
This guy takes you to a nice restaurant, and "let's" you order anything you want on the menu, because money is not an issue. This guys flaunts his money around and makes sure you know he can take care of you. Maybe it's because he thinks women love men with money-but in fact we love men who can provide security. If a woman does this she's most likely a fan of Destiny's Child (goodness I'm aging myself here) and being an "Independent Woman"

2) The "I'm still in love with my ex" Guy/Gal
This person...oh this person shouldn't even be on a date. This is the guy/gal who brings up their ex 1 too many times on a first date. We've all been this person, and we've all gone on a bad date with this guy/girl.

3) The "I'm only here for sex" Guy/Gal
Self explanatory.

4) The "I know we just met but I love you" Guy/Gal
This person barely knows you but knows you're the one. How? Um cause you ordered the carnitas platter and that's what THEY were gonna order guys!

5) The "I'm secretly crazy" Guy/Gal
This one is the scariest of all because they're good at hiding their crazy. It's different based on the gender. A man can seem amazing, sweet, kind and perfect, until you actually see the date through. There's usually a red flag like a rude comment he makes to the waiter, leaves mid date, or even gets angry with you on the first date. Women can also seem low maintenance and flexible, loves comic books and thrives in a concert setting, until you actually see the date through. Her red flags come with sending her food back just because the croutons in her salad aren't seasoned right, ordering a super extravagant latte from Starbucks or asking "Is this Iron Man?" when it's really Magneto from the Xmen.

Now that I've given you my top 5 bad date "guy/gal" let me tell you my ultimate bad first date. I met this man on OKCupid last summer and he seemed nice. I liked his pictures and we had been talking on the phone for a couple of days before we went on a date. So he picks me up for our first date **BAD IDEA** and he is not exactly what his pictures looked like-they were clearly a couple of years old. At this point I'm a little irritated but he's not bad looking so I continue with the date. Then I notice he's wearing some unusual sleeves not attached to his shirt so I asked about them and he reveled he has sleeve tattoos he's ashamed of. I immediately think "Oh crap he's a nazi, in a gang, or obsessed with his ex if he's hiding his tattoos. But I love tattoos so I told it didn't bother me; to be honest, those ugly sleeves were worse than the (normal) tats. Anyways we go to lunch and he suddenly can't hold a conversation to save his life! After an awkward lunch I wanted to go home (this is when I learned to take my own damn car from now on) but he wanted to see a movie. So we go to the movie where he proceeds to try and hold my hand. I nicely place his hand back in his lap and continue watching the movie. This guy.....gets pissed! He's like literally huffing and puffing in the theater. He gets up and walks out for what I thought was a calm down bathroom break but he never came back. The movie was paid for and I didn't have a ride yet so I stayed and watched Jake Gyllenhaal kill it in "Southpaw". I ended up having to call a friend to come pick me up, humiliated I just got left at the theater but she cheered me up. I think my favorite part of this entire debacle was that he literally called me two weeks later to ask me out for a second date. Yup. That happened.

So if nothing my bad first date taught me to take my own car. Lesson learned.

Good to be back.

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