It was recently my 27th birthday and I am officially in my late 20's now. This was the first birthday that made me conscious about my age. I wasn't sure why, I never really thought myself to be a person who was self conscious about my age. I then realized it was because I didn't have children. Here's the thing, with all my heart and soul I know that my purpose in life is to be a mother. However, that doesn't mean that I have had the urge to conceive any time in the near future. Then I saw an episode of "The New Girl" when Jess was told that by age 30, 90% of her eggs were gone. Of course that is not true ladies! But hearing it reminds us that we aren't getting any younger and the older you are the more difficult it will be to get pregnant. Of course I'm one of those women who fears that I will have the hardest time getting pregnant; secretly I think most women think that. I feel like these days all I hear about are women using fertility treatments, IVF, surrogacy, adoption etc. Which is probably why I've had that fear instilled into my brain.
The truth is, while I fear I will have a hard time getting pregnant, I don't really worry about it that much. I know that one way or another I will be a mother and if that means I can or can't deliver my own baby so be it. If that means I adopt so be it. If that means I have triplets naturally then God help me! Either way, being a parent to me is so much more than just giving birth. While I hope to one day be able to experience child birth to me it's more about the relationship my husband and I share with our children and the bond that makes us a family unit. I'm probably just a worry wart and will be fine, but I couldn't help but have a tiny freak out moment when I saw that damn episode! I guess the good news is I found the sausage to go with my eggs!