Friday, December 30, 2011

Generation Lazy

Knowing that my generation is considered by many older generations as "generation lazy" is upsetting to me. My parents raised me to have manners, be generous, be kind, be considerate, be grateful and of course many other characteristics. But some of the most important characteristics they taught me were to be self sufficient and hardworking. I will be the first to admit that yes, when I was in high school and younger I was blessed. My parents are both hardworking people and they gave my brother and I great lives full of many opportunities.

There are several people I know or have heard of that take full advantage of being lazy. I think most of my friends, and I would even go as far as to say most of my acquaintances on Facebook are hard workers. I think my generation works hard and realizes what it takes to make it to the top. But there are a lot of people who expect everything for nothing. People who think the world will hand them their success without working hard to get it. Clearly they will live a life of struggle. I try to surround myself with people who are self-reliant because I think it's important to take responsibility. Some people need to grow up and realize that while the world is scary, sitting on your ass is going to get you nowhere!

Then when I think of kids younger than me, I think they are spoiled rotten(for the most part). Of course there are exceptions but a majority of kids in their teenage years are disrespectful, unappreciative and depend on technology too much. I may have had some bad experiences with this age group but the responsible ones come far and few between. They are generation technology and can't have a conversation without using their thumbs. When I was writing this, I feared I would get an outrage from teenagers because they do study, work and help out around the house. Then I realized, they wouldn't even take the time out to read this so what's the point? I don't think they understand that what you write online is permanent. Sure, I write blogs, but they consist of my real opinions and I own up to them. There's nothing on here I wouldn't say to someone in person. There's nothing on here I wouldn't tell my parents, boss, friends, enemies etc. Believe me, I would say much worse on this topic but I know my limitations.

I've literally said this before and this was their exact response!
I must sound like a bitter old lady but while I went to school to study my ass off, got a good job and take care of my husband and I, there are people who instantly label our generation lazy. Honestly I think real generation lazy is pulling up behind us and I hope they pull their heads out of their asses because it won't be pretty when mommy and daddy won't be there to bail them out anymore.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hold on to you

I always think of things to write about for my blog and I came up with one while watching a show on TV. The idea of holding onto yourself while in a relationship struck a cord with me. What I mean when I say that is making sure that I remain true to who I am before I was with that person. Keeping my core values, keeping my personal opinions, habits, traditions etc.

During a relationship in high school I at some point or another was so consumed with having a boyfriend that I lost myself. My life was all about him and us. I stopped going to family functions, I became isolated and in a sense worshiped this person. After that relationship ended my mother made me realize that having a life of my own is important. Revolving my life around another person is unhealthy.

In my marriage I feel like we have a balanced life. While having lunch with a
friend he told my husband and I that we have our own things going on, but also have a wonderful life together. It's true, my husband has school, his friends, his hobbies etc. I have my job, my friends and my hobbies as well. We make sure that we have our own time alone but have plenty of quality time together. We think it's important to have our own space. That may sound bad but we're not that couple that relies on the other being there 24/7. I don't know if it's because of deployments that we've come to understand the importance our own space but it works for us. It keeps us interesting to one another, and creates a sense of mystery and self sufficiency. I love my husband, but knowing I have Monday's to myself to do whatever I want with no interruptions is soothing and relaxing to me.

So whether your the couple who never leaves each others sight, or the couple that sleeps in separate beds everyone's different. If it works for you, it works for me.