Earlier this week there was breaking news around the nation, but more specifically southern California. An elementary school in the LA school district is replacing all of their teachers and staff when allegations of sexual abuse occurring on school ground was brought up. There were two teachers charged with lewd acts of sexual abuse with minors.
When I heard this story and the things these men had done to children I was in tears. Apparently the abuse was brought up 17 years ago by a former student however the student was overlooked. The only reason it was taken seriously was because one of the bastards took photographs and took them to get developed. The printer then turned the pictures over to the police.
Why is it that something drastic like getting pictures developed has to happen for parents to take their child seriously when it comes to sexual abuse? I don't have kids but I do know if my kid comes up to me and says so and so touched me, hurt me, made me touch him etc, I would believe him/her. I wouldn't doubt for a second my child is telling the truth.
What really pisses me off is that those photographs the perpetrator took were on school grounds. Those children were alone with these men on campus! Where were the other teachers, janitors, other students, faculty, parents, volunteers, substitutes, security guards, librarians, lunch ladies......I mean come on! There is no doubt in my mind that someone at one point saw or heard something and didn't report it. It is the schools responsibility to protect these children when parents can't. Parents rely on the schools to make sure their children are safe. I think cleaning house is the right thing to do. It wouldn't stop me from removing my child from that school, but at least it will put some parents at ease. I'm passionate about protecting children and making sure they are always in a safe environment. What these teachers did is inexcusable, and while I hope they don't find more child abusers on that campus, I sure am glad they are fully investigating each and every staff member.
My last thought is to remind you how important it is to discuss with your children at a young age his/her inappropriate touching spots. Keeping the lines of communication open is the only way to prevent this from happening over and over.
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