Here is my list from last year:
If I'm in a car, I usually insist on driving. I don't trust anyone behind the wheel, not even my husband. It's a constant need to feel in control.
I worry too much. I'm that person who always says I love you no matter what because I know that might be the last time I see you.
Dying does not scare me. My family and friends dying does.
I steal change. If you leave coins anywhere in my house, it will be gone.
I have a tradition to steal something from Disneyland every time I go. I swear I'm not a kleptomaniac. It's my small way of sticking it to the man.
I never give a bad driver the finger. I've been on the opposite end of that one and it hurt my feelings.
I hate cats.
I love dogs.
I love kids but typically I'm not a fan of their parents.
I prefer small gatherings with close friends to large parties with people I don't know. Or even people I do know.
Often times my husband and I are polar opposites. This leads me to believe parenting will be interesting.
My favorite time of the year is December. Not because it's my birthday, anniversary or Christmas but because I get 2 weeks off.
I also love summer for time off but I don't get presents so December wins.
Sometimes it's hard not to stereotype people.
I can't use public bathrooms for anything I cant hover over the toilet for. I avoid them like the plague.
I've regifted at least 3 times. But I see it as a sweet gesture because I know that person will use it more than me.
I like shopping for other people more than myself.
I have a hard time trusting people, which is why I drive 25 minutes to get my eyebrows waxed.
I don't like fish.
I have guilty pleasure shows which consist of...Teen Mom, Bachelor Pad and Gossip Girl. I won't stop watching them no matter how much I hate them sometimes.
I talk to my grandma almost everyday. Do you?
I have an irrational fear of dinosaurs. It's a real fear. It's called ornithoscelidaphobia.
I've never done drugs. Ever. Not even weed.
I've also never smoked a cigarette. The one time I wanted to my husband refused me because I was drunk.
I seldom drink alcohol.
I got drunk at my wedding thanks to my brother-in-law.
I used to not be able to make a decision without asking my mom.
I write to feel better. I've kept journals all my life. This blog is a new form of self expression. Seeing so many people read it boosts my confidence.
If I wake up on my own, it's a good day. If you wake me up, you'll regret it.
I'm scared I will not be able to live without my parents.....once they go.
The Walking Dead series is how I think the world would react to a zombie invasion. I would not survive.
My mom is one of my best friends and does not take any bullshit from me. She tells me what I need to hear even if I don't want to hear it.
^ She is the reason I'm so loyal to my friends but often say things they don't wanna hear.
I fear change but find my life changing drastically every 3 years.
Now here is my new list:

I never knew I could love a pet as much as I love Heisenberg >>
I read Cosmo every month, but rarely agree with their articles, it's just fun to read.
I have severe anxiety but only about certain aspects of life.
I LOVE Taylor Swift's "We Will Never Ever Ever" song. Judge me, I don't care.
When I eat french fries I always eat the firm pointy ones first and leave the soggy ones for last, if ever.
My husband recently pointed out I have a weird obsession with different types of blankets. I love them all and have tons!
I get mad when people judge my religious beliefs, marital status or lifestyle but secretly judge them as well :/
I'm still scared shitless of dinosaurs.
I'm easy to scare. I get scared about once a day at random things; noises, my husband, the dog, lights, etc. He literally scared me as I was reading this blog to him, I lost a year of my life!
Even though I've seen every episode of One Tree Hill, I re-watched the entire series on Netflix. I won't say how long that took because I'll look pathetic.
My father is not the man I thought he was.
I've had a kidney stone and seriously debated wanting children. I clearly have a LOW tolerance for pain.
I love champagne.
I believe in mediums, in fact I have an appointment with one in 2 weeks for the first time.
I have a birth mark on my stomach that sticks out a little and my husband calls it 3D.
My relationship with my brother-in-law has become one I treasure.
I'm scared I won't succeed in life, just in general.
The smell of the desert after it rains is by far my favorite smell in the world.
When people ask why we don't have children I often say "We just aren't ready" but the truth is we like our lives just as they are right now. We can wait.
Although I fear I won't be able to get pregnant as easily as most women. But it's not something I lost sleep over....yet.
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