For the men, to say it varied is an understatement. I for sure thought I'd get the same response from all of them which would have been "I ignore them, leave them or at the very least show less interest to develop some space." Instead what I got was,
1) I've never had a clingy girlfriend before but I wish I did.
2) I never tell her she's clingy I wait for her to somewhat admit it before I let her know I'm not interested in her romantically or sexually.
3) I start giving her short answers in text, and pulling back.
4) I leave the bitch!
5) I stayed with her until I had a more valid reason to leave because I still liked her even if she was clingy.
Yes, ladies you read it right...some men actually want a clingy girlfriend (although I think eventually it will backfire). Let me be clear that every man I asked is someone I know fairly well and all of the men I asked would or already are amazing significant others. I wouldn't go asking my "player" male friend because while he's a great friend he just isn't mature enough to give me a real answer to this question. I asked a total of 22 men and those 5 answers were basically what they all said. A wise male friend of mine said the reason men have such "patience" with clingy or needy women is because men in general can't be as picky with their significant others as women can. Basically he thinks that woman have so many options when it comes to choosing their mate that they don't put up with as much as men do. It's an interesting theory and I guess I can see where he's coming from.
When it came to the ladies however it was very different. I also asked 22 ladies about this issue and we all agree on one thing, being clingy is a sign of weakness in our eyes. There were only 2 answers the women gave which were:
1) Initially I loved the attention however eventually I couldn't stand them being so clingy so I left them/cheated.
2) I dumped them immediately after realizing just how clingy they were.
A few people (both men and women) made it clear that men are much more patient with clingy women because they don't have many options when it comes to being with a woman. Women on the other hand can take their pick when it comes to choosing a mate because we have more options. I didn't necessarily agree with that initially but then I realized, it's true. We as women (for the most part) can have high standards for a mate but realistically can drop those standards and still find someone who will devote themselves to us. It's not that difficult because men are always able and wiling to be with a woman, even if she's not the right one, for the sake of being with someone....and for sex.
All in all it's not a trait most people look for when choosing their significant other. I've had my own experience with a clingy boyfriend in the past and it while it was fun in the beginning it became very stressful towards the end. While I can understand why some people feel the need to always be connected to their significant other, there comes a point where you need to give the proper amount of space to be able to grow as individuals and eventually as a couple.
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