Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pretty woman, walking down the street

It's completely natural for men to gander at other beautiful women. I'd be lying if I said I didn't look too. Realistically I think women check other women out just as much. For different reasons, unless your into the ladies. But I think women look at other women because we compare ourselves to them, we envy them, we admire them or we're talking shit about their outfit. Either way we look too. But.......

Men look because they're checking out their rack, ass, legs, whatever! Mu husband and I were walking into Ralph's in Sunday when this good looking 40ish woman walks out in a tiny dress with her (pretty nice and large) boobies flaunting everywhere. Of course I looked. HOW COULD YOU NOT! As we passed her I said to my hubby, "Did you see those? Jees!" To which he calmly responded "See what baby?" Oh so coy my husband! I know he saw them...he had to have seen them. He did say after that he saw them. We continued our conversation with questions about their authenticity. My internal question was, why did he lie? Was he ashamed, being considerate of me, embarrassed, what?

I never asked him but I really think he was just being considerate. He would never bring up another woman's breast unless I started the conversation. I have to say that in itself is pretty sweet. So even though I know for a fact my husband looks at other women, at least I know he's considerate enough not to flaunt it, make it obvious or disrespect me in the process.

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