My beautiful mother and I |
Due to some work responsibilities I couldn't go down to visit my mother this year for mother's day. It saddened me, and her as well but I don't really need a day for her to know how much she means to me. I did however think it would be sweet to write my next blog about her and to her, just to remind her how much she means to me.
Playing, circa 1986-1987 |
My mom and I haven't always seen eye to eye. In fact up until I was nearly an adult I was always a daddy's girl. She was the disciplinarian in our household and was a strict parent. That lead me to have a better relationship with my father growing up. He just treated me like a princess, which absolutely sounded better than being grounded or in trouble. But then at about 17 or so that shifted. My mom and I became best friends. I don't know if I changed or if she did but we became very close.
Clearly not wanting her picture taken
1990-1991 |
Once we began having this blessed mother/daughter relationship I started to notice her wonderful qualities. *Please note, she always portrayed these qualities I was just too young and stubborn to notice them* My mom is one of a kind. She is full of love, kindness and generosity. It is because of her (and my dad) that I am the woman I am today. I remember in high school, my mom was reading my senior yearbook. She started tearing up, so of coarse I inquired. She said to me "Look at all the wonderful things people are saying to you and about you." What she may not have realized at that moment was that they were paying tribute to her good doing. My mother has taught me everything I know, she is all that I am and all that I hope to one day be. Sure she has her flaws, as we all do. But there is nobody in the world like her.
We were both brace face! |
Recently my mom has been going through a lot, and that's putting it lightly. But through it all she's always assured me that she loves me, supports me, and will always be there for me. I knew that would never change but even though she was going through the rough time, I was still a priority. In my entire life she has always made me a priority. Obviously to me this is a given, I mean she is my mother and I am her daughter. But to know my entire life, no matter how mad I was at times, I could always count on her is a blessing I do not take for granted. My mother has a distinct way of making me (and anyone really) feel like what I do, say and share is important. I can't thank her enough for teaching me that my voice is important.
Mom, you know how much I love you. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming and I really never thought I would say that. Not so much because I didn't think I would ever be proud of you, but because I thought you were already the best version of yourself. Now I see clearly that you are becoming the best version of yourself. I am excited to see what the future hold for our family and our relationship. Thank you for always supporting my decisions, my ambitions and my life. You are the epitome of what it is to be a wonderful mother. Thank you for showing me my way, for teaching me to love and be loved and for giving me the power to be a strong woman. I love you more than you'll ever know.

I also want to take a minute to thank all the women in my life who are or at one point in my life were distant mothers to me. As I'm sure you all know, being a mother doesn't necessarily mean you have to have given birth to a child. These are the women who love me like their own and showed me support throughout my life. Some I see often, others I see on occasion, some I haven't seen in years! It doesn't matter to me though, because at some time during my 26 years of life, these remarkable women provided me with support, love and advice like you couldn't believe. Thank you to all of you ladies for helping me grow into the woman I am today. My grandmothers Tita and Mama Carmela, Tia Yolanda, Tia Karen, my godmother Nina, Tia Licha, Tia Tere, Tia Julia, Tia Coco, Tia Angelica, Tia Blanca, Ruth, Laura, Janice and Kim. While I didn't have pictures of all of you, I hope you all have a wonderful mother's day and know that I dedicate this post to my mother, but all of you as well. I love you all.

what a beautiful blog by a beautiful lady!!! I am so honored I was mentioned here..love you to the moon girl and always will <3