Friday, July 15, 2011

Save password?

My husband and I have been together for 6 years now. In the beginning, we had our own accounts for everything. Cell phones, myspace, facebook, email, bank etc. Eventually when we got married we had to combine our separate lives into a marriage. About 25 days after we got married, he was shipped off. During those 25 days we had a lot of paperwork to fill out through the military. I mean I had to adapt quickly to the married life because should something happen to him, I needed to know how to handle the military. That fear is what lead to the discussion of passwords.

I have all of my husband’s passwords when it comes to the important things. I don’t know his magazine subscription password or random website passwords. I mean bank accounts, GI bill, school finances, email etc. To be honest when it comes to his schooling and how the government is paying for it, I might as well be the student. He has all of my passwords as well. It’s a necessity when the government is involved. Now email, there really is no need for us to have each other’s but it’s also nothing we ever thought about. We have nothing to hide but on that same level of respect I seriously doubt he ever checks my email. I don’t check his unless it has to do with student loans.

I don’t think it’s a big deal. Some people find it completely disrespectful for another to have their password. To those people I would say “what are you hiding?” I understand not everyone is hiding something it’s more of a personal matter. I personally don’t see an issue with this. In fact one of my friends said if her husband refused to give her a password if she asked for it, she would raise an eyebrow. I agree. At this point in our marriage it would be a little weird not to hand it over should I ask. All in all I think married couples tend to share them with each other knowing it’s for convenience, necessity (in some cases) and just easier.

1 comment:

  1. David and I have each others passwords for everything. We believe in complete transparency. We are able to access each others computers, accounts, etc. We have nothing to hide, so I do not care at call.

    I do understand that other people are not that "open." That is ok. Each couple needs to come to an agreement based on their own comfort level. If you are suspicious and worried... you are not with the right person for you! ♥
