Monday, July 18, 2011

That's a deal-breaker!

My experience with men is pretty wide. What I mean is I’ve had serious relationships, not so serious relationships and friendships with men of all types. A deal breaker for me means that man has a quality that is against me in general. It can be as important as religion or as miniscule as teeth. For the sake of this blog, I’m going to keep it light and go with the little things I couldn’t deal with in my past.

There were really only 2 guys in my past that had items on my deal breaker list which is why we never dated. One guy had 2 lazy eyes. I know it’s so small and pathetic but can you really be with a person who always looks so depressed? I didn’t realize at the time the real reason I didn’t like him. I thought I just wasn’t attracted to him, but thinking about it I now know it was his lazy eyes. My other experience was with a guy I genuinely liked. We talked every day, saw each other at school and we were both really into each other. One day we kissed, and that was the end of it. He was a horrible kisser! Way too sloppy for me. I still talk to this guy occasionally but to this day he doesn’t know how I really feel about his kissing methods.

Since I’ve gone ahead and written about 2 of my deal breakers, I should go on record telling you why one guy broke up with me. It wasn’t a serious relationship to begin with and to be honest I think he was looking for a way out. He broke up with me because…my toes looked like fingers! To this day I still am self-conscience about my toes. I’m constantly asking my husband if my feel look ok and I always make sure my nails are done. Realistically I know my toes look fine, but because of that one statement I make sure they REALLY are fine. Because of this guy, I never said any of my deal breakers to other men. I would never want another person to feel like I do about my toes about their eyes or kissing methods. So for now, they stay anonymous. If you know me, have fun guessing!

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