My brother is one of a kind. I mean look at that picture! I know people say that all the time about people in their lives and some might be true but seriously, my brother is one of a kind. Let me tell you a little bit about him.

As children we loathed each other. Ok that's too strong of a word we just really didn't get along great. We had our moments but for the most part he was a gigantic pain in my ass! He was very hyper as a child and I was quite the opposite. He was also a boys boy and I was a girls girl and I am 3.5 years older than him so it was rare for us to have similar interest when playing. There was however one game we both seemed to love which was house/school. I'm not quite sure why he liked it, maybe he didn't and I just made him play thinking he enjoyed it. Anyways he used to have these bunk beds with a full or queen size bed below and a twin on top. We would hang sheets and towels to enclose the bottom bunk and make "rooms" to play in. He was always Jake and I was always Christina (I secretly think we both thought we were white as children). Those days playing in his room were some of my fondest memories as a child.
Then we hit our teen years, well I was a teen but he was older. We started getting along so well! We have very similar humor and interest in movies/shows so that bonded us significantly. Every time we see each other we always laugh and laugh because we quote some stupid old ass movie from the 90's (like A Night At The Roxbury). I have the best time when I'm around my brother and that's how our relationship has been for the past 12ish years or so.

Now we are adults with our own lives. We grew up, moved out, work and live daily 100+ miles away from one another. I left for college 8 years ago so it's been like this for awhile. But every time we get back together it's like we pick up where we left off. Recent family events have made it difficult to keep a steady relationship but it doesn't really matter because I know he's always going to be there. He's really good at keeping humor in the mix so even during stressful times he can put a smile on my face. Throughout all of this my husband, brother and mom are the only 3 that have fully supported me and been there for me. To be honest he's one of the few persons I know to keep a clear mind, honest heart and positive outlook on my parent's divorce. I wish I was more like him in that aspect because I think it might make my life less stressful.
So to my brother, I love you more than you know. I admire your strength throughout this entire process. I hope you know that even though we don't see each other or even talk daily I am here for you. I'm so blessed to call you my baby brother. For all my readers out there with siblings, remember that even with the daily stresses of life to keep your relationship strong. They share your childhood memories and support your adulthood choices and dreams.
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