Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Teenage Dream

I was at a local park yesterday in Aliso Viejo with 2 little girls (ages 5 & 6) when I came across a teenage couple making out. I don't mean pecs on the lips, or even a one time kiss hello. I mean full on, straddling, making out on a swing. Now this park is a small one, you can pretty much see the entire thing from anywhere you sit. It's a community park meaning only the people who live in the community can access it. These teenagers had to have been around 13-14 years old. Boy was sitting on the swing, girl was sitting on top straddling him, and they were making out, the entire time we were there. Eventually they moved it to the slide where she continued to straddle him and then continue to make out. Part of me was disgusted and shocked! These kids had no hesitation or consideration of their surroundings. Children running around them, swinging next to them, playing in the sand. Then another part of me remembered what it was like....

This reminded me of a time when I was young and in "love". I used to meet boys at the part, library, anywhere really. I don't think I ever made out like these two did in public but there would be some definite kissing. I remember feeling like those teenagers did. Why is teenage love so much more exciting? I love my husband but there is no way in hell we'd be making out at a park while I wrap my legs around him on a swing. It just wouldn't happen.

The passion of teenage love is so interesting to me. It's new, fresh, hormones are high and it's just the perfect storm. I remember my first kiss and how amazing I felt afterward. I remember the first boyfriend I had and how I wanted to spend every waking minute with him. I remember the first time a boy danced with me in middle school, I didn't wash my dress because it smelled like him. Young love is such a phenomenon. It's given to those too young to really know what to do with it.

I asked my husband why he thought teenage love moved so....fast? He said "We did." I realized we were teenagers when we started dating. We were 19 years old, and in love within 3 months. We got engaged 6 months after dating, and married 1.5 years after dating. Obviously I don't think it was a mistake, he's the love of my life. But looking back I can see why my parents were having a heart attack. Most of the times these young loves don't work out. In our case it is and hopefully will continue to blossom.

So what started out to be a creepy park situation, ended up bringing up memories of teenage lust. I don't condone public displays of affection that are inappropriate, but I guess part of me was a little envious of what they had. That young, can't keep my hands off of you, what may seem like forever love. Then I came back to reality and understood the importance of having a life long partner, rather than a guy to go to prom with.


  1. Thanks Kim! Lord knows we've been there and done that! Thanks for being such a dedicated reader :)
