Monday, October 29, 2012


Should your man be the head of your household?

Gosh this sounds so old school because when people think head of the household they think this...

But what I mean is a leader for our family, someone who protects us under all circumstances and is dependable. Let me start by saying in my eyes, yes I feel as though my man should be the head of our household (HoH). In fact, I believe he is. He protects our family, he provides and the best way I can describe it is by saying he is the umbrella that we all stand underneath to protect us from rainy days. Now I like to think of myself as a modern old fashioned woman (I hope that makes sense). Some people think "head of the household" means he makes more money, makes decisions for the family, is a spiritual guider, and a little macho vista. That might be true in some homes. When I think of our home, my husband is the person who leads us by example, but doesn't tell me what to do, how to dress, where to shop, etc. He does help run our home by doing chores, cooking dinners and taking care of our pup but most importantly he helps run our home by providing and making sure we are taken care of emotionally and physically.

Let me give you an example of my husband being "head of the household". If I get disturbing news, he steps up and takes care of me, he expresses his opinions and if need be stands up for me. He takes hold of the situation so that he protects me while still maintaining sensitivity to the situation. If someone hurts me he always remembers. If somebody says something hurtful to or about me he defends me. If we were overcome with zombies, he would be my Rick Grimes. I feel safe, comforted, important and protected by my husband.

When I took this to Facebook I got a couple of "He wears the pants but I tell him what pants to wear". I heard that before on "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" except the mother in that movie said "The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants" Similar concepts right? I understand how that type of home runs as well because I think that's how my parents ran our home when I was younger. My dad was the typical Mexican man of the house when it came to some situations, however my mother was much more of the head of the household in most situations. She made decisions for our family based on what she thought would be best for us. This doesn't mean they never consulted with one another about details pertaining to our family, but she was clearly the head of our home.

I say whatever dynamic works for you is great. Every family is different. Our dynamic might change once we have children but for now this works wonderfully!

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