Monday, October 22, 2012

Love Is Easy

Over the last few months I have noticed people writing and talking about their relationships in a way that seems so unnecessarily difficult. I often think to myself "Love doesn't need to be so hard." Look I know more than the next person that relationships take a lot of work, communication, trust and honesty. However I don't feel as though love itself and being with the person you love (if you've been blessed enough to find them) is that difficult. Life is difficult, but that love is pure and simple.

I'm not kidding when I say that some people have daily struggles with their relationships. To me that doesn't seem healthy. It's healthy to argue, it's healthy to be able to spend some *agreed*  time apart, it's healthy to bicker every once in awhile. It is not healthy to break up every time the sun goes down, it's not healthy to bash that person on Facebook for the world to see and it most certainly is not healthy to feel as though you can't move forward should they leave you.That to me is not love, that to me is lust. The person you love should make you a better person, or at least make you want to aim to be a better person. You should strive on their energy, learn from them, feel supported by them, feel safe with them and most importantly they should be your best friend. Your love should never be threatened by them being with you or not. Your heart should feel safe with that person because among all, that person will protect you and their love for you.

My marriage isn't perfect, nobody's is. I understand some people are happy with their relationships even though to me it seems stressful. I'm not judging anyone but if you find yourself feeling more unhappy than happy, it's time to reevaluate and fix it or move on. I'm sure I'll get a lot of disagreements but that's ok. I'm blissfully happy with my husband and that's all the matters to me.

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